Printer Audit


If the warehouse is trying to print orders but labels are not printing, check the query below:


SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM BILSI.dbo.LabelPrinterAudit WHERE PrintedDate IS NULL AND DiscoveredDate >= '2021-08-20 13:19:09.783' AND GeneratedDate IS NOT NULL

AND ProVisionOrderId IN (SELECT OrderId FROM Bilsi_Carousel.dbo.CarouselOrder WHERE StatusCode = '004')




In the above query, change the date with today’s date.



Check for the below task scheduler in SRV-FS-2. Try to restart it:



Problem: Duplicate labels are printed after restarted the service.

If you look at the task manager; it is running 2 instances which is why there are duplicates.



After restarting the service, you might see that the labels are printed twice. To resolve this, make sure that only one instance of the schedular is running by going to the task manager.

If you need to print previous days: